Temporary extravagant follies of a young architect... ... that I wish would last forever. I love the moon, I planned to take tons of pictures and talk about all the sky gazing parties offered at different locations, and about how incredible it was to see Mexican bats fly across the harvest moon tonight, but I was indoors, unavailable, without a camera, and very sad... until I came home and my son shows me this picture he took for me while he was taking pictures of his newest project. That's the teen architect. Ever since he was 3 he has been building amazing structures that he takes down immediately to start something new.
There was always something dangling from the balcony, or his bedroom walls ... and the car. When he was about 8, he had created all these electrical wiring systems that made sounds and lighting effects and needed a place to use them, so he built a wooden case then kept adding to it until it turned into a robot that was taller and heavier than him. He has about 10 projects going, and he feels there is always room from improvement, so they may either never be finished or be dismantled in a disapproving reaction. If I remember correctly, his room is sectioned into the following categories: nautical, retro, neon, letter S, Minecraft, Dr. Who, acoustic guitars, electric guitars, hats, and ties. There is no room for socks or shoes so these stay outdoors even in the rain. |