April's full moon, also known as the Pink Moon and Sprouting Grass Moon, brings a jolt of vibrancy to a special night when by chance it is also a blood moon. It almost sounds as if pink is referring to the reddish color we see of this unique occasional splendor, but the nickname "Pink" is inspired by the moss pink flora, some of the first flowers of spring. The name is pink the moon is not. --This particular moon period inspires gardeners to make the best of their horticulture tasks.-- There is color in the sky and there is color on the ground. April is full of color. I am surrounded by bluebonnets, red poppies, and bright yellow wildflower fields. This is the perfect moment to recount a description of my favorite flower's function: When the trees died in my neighborhood everyone started chopping them down. I planted Morning Glories around mine. Now there is a thick braid and different colors and stars to see every glorious morning. My Morning Glories can handle the climate and even these magnificent mollusks in my front yard. Sometimes only the dark purple ones open, I don't know why... ... and when the blue ones open the violet & purple flowers close. It flickers a different color every day! White Bloom Day Blooming Blues This is my favorite blossom because blue is rare in nature. White with Blue Blue with White White and Blue and heart shaped leaves Cascading and Flowing Braiding Up & Weaving Down It was a dead tree..
now this is a favorite bird nook, a thick green weave, and a collection of intense colors, stripes, and stars. Comments are closed.