The full moon for May is named Flower Moon and it is also called Mother's Moon. This goes perfect with my theme for tonight's blog post: a Flower for Mother's day. I received 3 gifts from my son. One of them plugs into an outlet. The other has a USB connection. The third one is a real bling bling. It blings. Really. ---It is a crystal heart pendant made out of clear tape and can be battery operated. I will post about it later because I need to replicate it and record the process.---
Green Mean Flower Powercardboard, wires, plastic food container, and a lot of imagination clear acrylic chess pieces, wires, cardboard, and creativity This blue beauty is so thoughtful and sentimental. It is easy to see the mother and son figurines, but it represents even more, it is based on a conversation we had about power struggles and pushing buttons that I compared to a game of chess. I said: "if you make a move, I have to make a move, just doing my mom job". H a p p y M o t h e r ' s D a y.
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